Tuesday, November 25, 2003

QuoteGallery.com: " You cannot prevent and prepare for war at the same time.
Albert Einstein"

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

A not-so-warm welcome for Bush: "A recent poll in the popular (left-of-center) Daily Mirror — traditional supporters of Blair — declared that half the country feels Bush is a threat to world peace rather than a help. "

Monday, November 17, 2003

BBC NEWS: "Did we have to go to war for this cause? And you only go to war in a desperate last case scenario. It hadn't reached that point. Iraq was being disarmed day by day. Missiles were being destroyed.
I think historians are going to come to judge this as the greatest mistake by a British prime minister in 50 years. "

BBC NEWS: "This wasn't a victory and there was nothing triumphalistic about it. They were lucky to get out alive. The reporter said it makes your teeth rattle. Well that's what war does; it makes your teeth rattle.
I think the attacks on Al-Jazeera - both verbally and in the end with missiles - were absolutely indefensible. It's entirely right that the Arab world should have its own sources of information. "

BBC NEWS: "No, when I saw the war and I saw the beginning and I saw how the first thing that the United States protected - was what? The Ministry of Oil - the oil fields. Did they protect the people of Iraq? Did they protect the museums which have one of the greatest legacies of our own history? Did they make everything possible so that there wouldn't be a humanitarian catastrophe? Did they do everything in their power so that there was going to be no lawlessness? No - the only thing they were concerned about was the oil ministry and the oil fields. "

Bush's Resume: "George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC USA


I ran for Congress and lost.

I bought an oil company, but couldn't find any oil in Texas; the
company went bankrupt shortly after I sold all my stock.

I bought the Texas Rangers baseball team, in a sweetheart deal and built a stadium using taxpayer money.

With my father's help and name, I was elected Governor of Texas.


I changed pollution laws in favor of the power and oil companies and made TX the most polluted state in the US. And replaced Houston over L.A. as the most smog-ridden city in America.

Cut taxes and bankrupted TX government to the tune of billions of
dollars in borrowed money.

I set the record for most executions by a Governor in US history.

I became US President after losing the popular vote by over 500,000 votes with the help of major Enron money and my father's appointments to the Supreme Court.


Bush Lies to the American People!: "There never was any weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq although Bush said he knew exactly where they were. Thousands of lives were lost because of him. In my opinion he is responsible for loss of thousands of lives and HE HIMSELF is a weapon of mass destruction. I am an American and I love my country dearly. I do not support a President who lies to us and I do not support cold blooded murder and he has done both"