Monday, September 08, 2003

BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | Is Iraq damaging President Bush's popularity?: "His overall popularity does not particularly matter. The hard core of his supporters are the big corporations that gain from his tax cuts, US supremacists, and right-wing Christians that believe that Bill Clinton was the anti-Christ. To them he can do nothing wrong, and they will go out and vote for him whatever happens. Sadly to say, a large part of 'middle America' also believes the media claims that he is 'a popular wartime President'. If ever a US President was hyped, Dubya is the one.
Lars Backstrom, USA "

BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | Is Iraq damaging President Bush's popularity?: "Iraq is not damaging Bush's popularity but Bush's popularity is damaging Iraq irretrievably. His inhuman manoeuvres has cost tens of thousands of lives. Yet the people of this country support him without even thinking about the lies that he told us. We are coming to accept aggression, violence, exploitation and imperialism as part of our daily views. Come on we need to think sanely and STOP him
Manna, US "

BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | Is Iraq damaging President Bush's popularity?: "George W Bush and Tony Bair opened Pandora's Box in the Middle East, without the support of the United Nations and against the wishes of the international community. Now they are finding out that the consequences of their insane and criminal actions are too costly in lives and dollars, and they want to spread the burden among the international community. But why should the U.N. and the world's population be made to pay for their arrogance and abuse of power? Let the 'coalition forces' reap what they sowed.
A.Cuschieri, Canada "